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Hey! I am so thrilled you are here! Let me tell you a little about me and why I started this blog!

My Why...

Let me start with a question. Do you feel like you get enough time to yourself, to do things that you enjoy and love (outside of your family and children)? Do you feel like you are getting the most out of life? Are you okay with yourself?....

Okay, that was a few questions. But it all stems back to the same thing, Making sure us, as moms, make time for ourselves. I would love Entertaining Mommy to be a source for you to find a balance for your family, children, but most importantly yourself! 


A little about me...


My name is Meghann. I am a mom of a 13-year-old awesome and amazing boy named Ashton. ( Of course, I got that awesome name from my obsession with Ashton Kutcher) and a little 2-year-old crazy machine named Adalyn. The large age gap was not intentional, I wasn't even planning on having any kids when I was younger, but along came Ashton and my world changed for the better! I still said I wasn't going to have any more children, but 11 years later, Seeing all of those cute little new babies being born, and my age number going up, I changed my mind and decided I had to have another little baby. Plus I thought about my son, not having any sibling and how lonely that can be once you get older. So here we are, our perfect little family of four! We all live in my husbands, grand-parents old home in a quiet area called Lake Winola, PA. We have lived here for going on 14 years. Oh! I can't forget to mention our other family members, FeeBee, Griffin, and Zurie...our furry babies of course! A great mix of breeds, Shih Tzu, Mini Schnauzer, and a bulldog. That makes for a full home and a home that's hard to keep, lol.



Some Interesting facts about me...

1. I am not a girly girl. I do not like to wear dresses and high heels. I'm more of a comfy clothes kinda girl. I don't buy expensive purses or make-up. I'm happiest getting a good deal! 

2. I am very modest, you will probably not find many pictures of myself here... I'm just not that outgoing!

3. I love taking photographs and editing pictures! You will find MANY photos of my kids in my social media. ( And that is another reason you won't find me in many photos because I'm usually the one behind the camera ) 

4. My favorite restaurant is Apple Bee's and I will usually order a chicken fajita wrap with fries or the honey pepper chicken with mac n cheese. mmmm!!

5. I like old lady type activities, lol.... maybe not all of them, haha. But I like to crochet. Mainly mellow jello type stuff ;P 


You will come to know me better as this blog grows with you. I hope that we can connect and be friends! Stick around, and thank you so much for being here!







Why Entertaining Mommy?...

I chose the name Entertaining Mommy, because I want to focus on us, as moms. And how important it is to take care of ourselves amidst everything we need to deal with every day. I am currently a stay at home mom, and I kinda lost myself a little. I have no schooling in writing, so maybe this doesn't make any sense, but for me, it is an outlet to share what I am doing to get myself back.  Basically the lifestyle of a stay at home mom and how to keep ourselves happy too!




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