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10 Ways to make today Memorable!

Updated: Mar 30, 2018

There are a ton of things that can easily ruin your day, everyone can come up with a list for that! As for making your day a good and memorable one, it can sometimes be difficult to get past all of the negative vibes to be able to enjoy the day and make the best of it. 

I am sure you already have your daily routine figured out, but maybe not. I know I usually have the same day over and over again, with usually nothing special, I am going to be trying out these things to make my days better and allot less ... blah

1. Be Present - Who can relate? Trying to get your chores done around the house and your toddler is running under foot making messes all around you. You get frustrated and maybe yell. Try to take a step back, don't try doing everything at once. Get down with your child and play. Even make a fun game to clean up the messes they are creating. Sing with your toddler "Clean Up! Clean Up! Everybody , Everywhere!" You will be teaching your child a lesson in cleaning up and be making it fun for them and you!  Are you stuck in traffic? Getting frustrated because you just want to get where you are going? Turn on some upbeat music and sing your heart out! Roll down your window and breath in fresh air, admire the scenery. There are many ways to be present when you seem to be a little off, Just stop your mind from wandering , take a deep breath and get your mind to whats going on right now. Appreciate what you have.

"Be present in all things, and thankful for all things." -Maya Angelou

2. Take a hike -  Go for a walk. Whether it be on the road that you live on, in the woods, at a park. Take the kids, make an adventure out of it! Do GeoCaching!  A walk can turn into great memories for you and your kids!

3. Complement a stranger -  Instead of criticizing, Pay a true complement to someone. It truly does make you feel good about yourself knowing you may have made someones day. You like that women's purse, shoes? Tell her! You think that little girls shirt is adorable! Tell her! You think your waiter/waitress is doing a great job? Tell them! There are many times in a day where we run into things that we may not normally notice. Take notice and let it be known!

4. Commit to doing one nice thing for yourself every day! - Take a bath, buy yourself a coffee at your favorite coffee shop, take a nap, call a friend, get your nails done, when you are feeling like your looking good, take a selfie! (I'm not too fond of taking selfies, unless my kids are in it with me) 

5. Create something with your kids -  Go on Pinterest and look up some DIY's to do with your kids. Gather up some supplies and have fun creating memories! Let them make a mess and have fun! Kindness Rocks are a big thing here and they are truly very fun!

6. Pay it forward - Have you ever gone threw a drive through and when it was your turn to pay, they tell you "The person in front of you paid for your order" It has happened to me a few times, and it humbled me really! Have you ever done that for someone? Not someone you know, a stranger, and just for the heck of it. Just paying for someones coffee in the morning on your way to work, can make your day start out great.

7. Try something new - When you are trying to decide where you and your family want to go out to eat, try some place you never went to before with and open mind. Or, if you really want to go somewhere you have already gone, try something different on the menu. Never gone to see your favorite band in person before? Grab some tickets the next time they are in your area!

8. Have a family dance party - Get the kids and blast that music and dance! It will get them up and moving and create some awesome memories! Get over feeling like a fool, let your kids know its OK to be silly once in awhile! I do this with my kids and have a blast! 

9. Have a family game night - Make it a tradition to have one night a week where you put down the phones, turn off the TV and play some good old board games. This will turn into something for everyone to look forward to each week. The favorites in our house are Life, Apples to Apples and Guess Who!

10. Be patient -  I know myself, I get impatient all too quick sometimes. It gives me a headache. My thing is when I'm driving and get stuck behind someone going way slower than the speed limit... It drives me insane! lol. I will be trying harder to take a deep breath and remember that I will get there, and getting aggravated wont do anything to change the situation but raise my blood pressure, and that is not good! Again, breath... and think about the rest of your day and how great it was or how awesome its going to be!


Try to remember, we will never have good days every day, but we can try to make the most of it in any way we know how. And remember the day is not our life. The great memories we make with our loved ones are our life. 



Hey all! Thank you so much for being here! My name is Meghann and I am the writer here on Entertaining Mommy. 

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