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Meet My Family

Updated: Mar 22, 2018

You will probably be hearing allot about my family in some of my posts, so I would love for you to have faces to the names! My awesome fiance of 13 years, Ian. He keeps me grounded at times when I let my temper get the best of me. Lets me be silly and enjoy life a little more less seriously!

And our two totally awesome (and TOTALLY opposite) children. Ashton who is our calm, laid back super smart preteen. And our newest member Adalyn. She is the crazy (gray hair giving)

wild child. I love my little family and I would not change it for anything! We all live together in a small town called Lake Winola, right outside the city of Scranton Pennsylvania. We have lived here together since October of 2004.We have three pooches, a bulldog, shih tzu, and mini schnauzer. You will probably hear about them too at some point, because who doesn't love dogs?! So welcome to my family! I hope I can share many years of stories and life events with you!



Hey all! Thank you so much for being here! My name is Meghann and I am the writer here on Entertaining Mommy. 

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