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Tips & Tricks : How To Find Time For Yourself

Updated: Feb 28, 2018

So the bases of this blog is to get you to realize that you deserve to get some time to yourself. I know you are saying " Seriously? I have kids and a house to keep, how in Gods name am I going to find any time at all to be by myself?" Well, if you want it bad enough, you can find the time! Here are some tips and tricks to get you that time back for yourself!

Do fun things while the kids are at school, napping, after they go to bed for the night or before they wake up in the morning. Waking up early before everyone else wakes up can be very beneficial for you in many ways and it will get your day started off energized and get you ready to take on what ever life throws at you.

If you like to meditate or want to try it and have no idea how to do it, check out this app. Headspace its free to sign up and they even give you a free session to try. It really helps when you don't really have much time but you still want to get that in part of your day.

I started off my first few years of having my own home, trying to keep everything spotless. That changes really quick as soon as I have my first baby. After taking in three dogs on top of that there was no way I was going to keep up with the house

and making it spotless was never going to happen! Its okay... Your house is not a home unless its is messy, right? Try to give the sense that it is tidy by using storage bins and baskets. And don't try picking up all the kids toys all day long, you will end up picking them up 100 times! Wait until they are asleep before you toss those toys in the bins and tuck them away so you can relax and enjoy your alone time or spend time with your significant other.

Find someone you trust to watch the kids. Have them come over once a month, or once a week even, how ever much time you need, try to schedule it in with them. So you have something to look forward to and you can escape your house without the kids. Go to a movie, grab a bite, go shopping or take a walk at the park. It will get you recharged and ready to get back to it once you are back home. ( And the kids will learn to better appreciate you when they see how different it is when mommy is not home to take care of them )

If you are having a hard time thinking of things you can do while you are alone, take a look at these ideas from The Deliberate Mom.


  • deep breaths

  • pray

  • meditate on scripture

  • a few simple stretches (I like downward dog into child’s pose)

  • step outside and sit in silence – deeply breathe in the fresh air

  • pop in your headphones and listen to a favourite song

  • get dressed / put on some makeup

  • doodle

  • light a candle and watch it flicker


  • set a timer and take a power nap

  • read

  • go for a brisk walk

  • take a quick shower

  • paint your toenails

  • peruse a magazine

  • make and sip a cup of tea

  • daydream

  • color a picture

  • work on a crossword puzzle, word search, sudoku, etc.

  • write in a journal

  • look through a childhood photo album


  • exercise

  • go for a leisurely stroll

  • watch a half hour show

  • take a hot bath (make an event of it and light some candles too)

  • knit, crochet, or sew

  • write a letter to a friend


  • watch a short documentary or a movie

  • hang out in a coffee shop with your favourite book

  • browse through your community library

  • attend a Bible study or a church service

  • get your hair done

  • go to an art gallery

  • visit the museum

  • treat yourself to some ice cream

  • go for a swim

  • meet a friend at a restaurant

If you follow some of these ideas I am sure you will be able to have a better day, because if you give yourself the time you deserve doing something that makes you happy, Everything else will fit better into your life.



Hey all! Thank you so much for being here! My name is Meghann and I am the writer here on Entertaining Mommy. 

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