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Taking Time For Ourselves

Updated: Feb 17, 2018

After we do everything that is expected and then some of our motherly routine, when is it our time to relax and just take time to ourselves?

Wake up! No alarm needed, we have that wonderful built in alarm called "The Baby"

We might be lucky and get a few extra minutes but its usually way before the sun even comes up. We have to jump right out of bed, looking like the monster that hides under it...Stumble in the dark into the babies room, get her changed and bring her downstairs to get her a breakfast that she may eat, but most likely she will throw to the dogs.

You will find bits and pieces of it on the wall and in your couch later! #MomsLife

While shes eating (or the later) you try to get yourself to look presentable in 15 minutes. And some wonder where that classic "mom" look came from.

Meanwhile you are tripping over the damn dogs because you know you have not reminded your eldest to take them out and feed them... for the millionth time. #Preteen

Get the kids packed up in the car before 7:30 am and drive your eldest to school. Now here comes the highlight to my day!... Get your Medium Caramel, Mocha Iced Coffee, with two extra pumps of Mocha , regular cream and extra granulated sugar. (Yup! I love that first delicious sip of mocha and pure crunchy sugar in the morning!) #FirstCoffee

Get home and try to get your crazy wild child baby occupied so you can sit down and get some work done. Before you know it, the day is almost done and you haven't even THOUGHT about dinner. ( Not only because you haven't had the time, but because you absolutely HATE cooking... I do at least) So if you are like me, its usually get what ya get night, or you scramble to find something quick to make. Get the baby bathed and ready for bed (hallelujah!) Then maybe you will be able to stay awake to watch some tv with the mister. Go to bed only to lay there awake thinking about what needs to be done the next morning, or things that are happening that you just cant control or in most cases for me, the damn theme songs from all those lovely kid shows start playing in your head! ( pup pup pup puppy dog paaaaals..... yeah you know it!) #Cantsleep

Between working, lunch (which for me sometimes never happens), naps(unfortunately not for me), entertaining the baby, and taking care of the every day household chores there is no time for you! I admit since I've taken on working from home, I tend to forget that I too deserve some "me" time. So that is my goal here! To offer simple ways for us moms to take time for ourselves. I will cover some things that I have done and do still that I enjoy. Please leave your comments below if you have any suggestions that you would like me to share. Because I know we are all different and we like different things, so I want to have all of the bases covered ;)

Thank you for joining me and I hope you find something here that strikes your fancy. Lets learn together how to make more time for ourselves and maybe get back to enjoying life a little more outside of our every day routine. #MeTime



Hey all! Thank you so much for being here! My name is Meghann and I am the writer here on Entertaining Mommy. 

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